6 Cool Kids Party Themes to Try This Summer
What could be better than a summer party? With the sun shining bright, the weather nice and hot, and no school for […]
6 Awesome Corporate Party Theme Ideas for This Summer
Let’s face it: Employees aren’t always excited to take time off from their busy schedules to attend corporate parties – especially if […]
Exciting New Themed Event Entertainment
When an event has a theme, it allows its guests to really become connected to it and get involved. A theme makes […]
Becoming the Crawleys: How to Throw Your Own Downton Abbey Themed Party
With the winter seeming to never end, what better way to pass the endlessly cold nights than by throwing an extravagant, Downton […]
Useful info on Games, Competitions and Spot-Prizes for Children Partys
Games, Competitions and Spot-Prizes for Children As well as all of the usual interaction, including joining in and demonstrating some of the […]
Having a DJ in a Marquee for Your Themed Party
Most DJ’s are very happy playing in Marquees, but they do often require a little extra work, and as such, some DJ’s charge a small ‘Marquee’ supplement. A DJ can usually play in almost any outside location as long as he has weather-proof cover (top and sides) in case of rain as almost all DJ kit is not waterproof in any way. Set-up can be done on most surfaces, but the DJ area for setting up needs to be solid and stable. This usually and ideally means NOT on a temporary staging or similar. Most of this type of staging is not designed to have the kind of tripod stands most DJ’s use put up on them.. The set-up area must also be on a level surface and not on a slope of any kind.