Unless a somber affair, almost any type of event can benefit from following a certain theme. Themes add several different aspects to an event. Firstly, they require your guests to pay special attention to their preparation for your event, having to actually think ahead about what they will wear, how they will do their hair, what sorts of props they may need, and a number of other theme-specific details.
This preparation will inevitably lead to excitement and anticipation for the actual event, pumping up your guests even before they set foot in your event venue.
During the event itself, you can plan a number of activities to center around the theme, with your options varying as widely as your creativity will allow. In this way, you assure that your guests will rarely have the chance to be bored or wonder why they chose to participate in the theme.
Even more, if the activities and music are planned in accordance with the theme and everything goes as planned, this will most likely be the most original event your guests have attended in a very long time. Especially if you have chosen a unique theme, this may be the only party of this type that they ever attend!
Themes add to the anticipation leading up to a party and increase your guests excitement at participation during the actual event itself. Just the pictures alone will be able to tell a beautiful story about the fun and entertainment had by all at your uniquely themed event.