City Nights Disco strives to make all of its parties well-suited for the age group of our clients’ guests. Especially for children, this is important to assure that the right type of entertainment is provided to keep your guests happily occupied throughout the duration of the party.

As such, we divide our parties for young people into three categories:

Children’s Party Discos: For children aged four to eight or nine. We structure these parties so that your young guests can never get too bored and get into trouble, organizing plenty of activities to keep everyone happily busy throughout the duration of your event.

Teen Party Discos: For kids aged nine to twelve or thirteen. These parties still have a few activities, but allow your budding adult guests to mingle a bit on their own while jamming out to the coolest tunes of the time.

Young Adult Party Discos: For kids from thirteen and up. These parties resemble a typical adult party, but substitute more kid-friendly activities and options for your young guests. These parties will provide safe fun for your guests while still allowing them to feel like independent individuals, an important aspect of parties for growing teens.